DLHS operates an integrated curriculum with a rich blend of both national and international syllabi.
Deeper Life High School
DLHS operates an integrated curriculum with a rich blend of both national and international syllabi.
The hybrid curriculum comprise
a. The National Curriculum for Junior Secondary School (JSS) and Senior Secondary School (SSS).
b. The State prepared scheme of work for JSS and SSS
c. The WAEC Syllabus.
d. The NECO Syllabus
e. The JAMB UTME syllabus.
f. Cambridge Checkpoint Syllabus for Junior School
g. Cambridge IGCSE syllabus for Senior School
h. American SAT syllabus by College Board.
The following examination are taken by her students
i. Internal Examinations: first, second and third term examinations for both Junior and senior secondary school.
ii. West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE)
iii. NECO Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (NECO, SSCE).
iv. NECO BECE for Junior School
v. State BECE for Junior School
vi. Cambridge Checkpoint for Junior School
vii. Cambridge IGCSE for Senior School
viii. JAMB UTME for SS3 students
ix. SAT (Collegeboard)
x. IELTS – International English Language Testing System – (British Council).