
A message from the Proprietor
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Dr. W.F. Kumuyi
Proprietor, DLHS
A pastor was told by his superior that something was wrong with his ministry. He was reminded, “Only one person has been added to your church this year, and he is only a boy”. Later that day, with a heavy heart, the pastor was praying when someone walked up behind him. Turning around, he saw the same boy – his only convert that year. The boy said, “Pastor, do you think i could become a preacher or missionary some day?” The pastor encouraged him to pray about it. The lad was Robert Moffat, who was destined to open Africa to the gospel of Christ. He was father-in-law to David Livingstone, and first translator of the Bible into Setswana (a) language spoken by more than 8 million people in southern Africa).
Paul the apostle also invested much of his time in mentoring young Timothy, whose father was a Greek, but his mother was a Jew. Paul recollected the impact of Timothy’s pious mother on his life. The teachings and nurturing of his mother, no doubt, shaped his life. Timothy became a son in the faith to this great apostle to the gentiles. Paul imparted all he knew in his many years in the ministry to Timothy, who later became a preacher and teacher of the Word (2 Timothy 1:6)He laboured in many cities and had two of Paul’s pastoral epistles addressed to him.
Success without successors is said to be failure. The greatest movements in our world today are sustained by mentees who were raised to keep up the flame long after the originators of the vision had passed away.
Our vibrant children and youths today will grow up to take up the baton of ministry when we, the fathers and mothers, are gone. Therefore, believing parents and preachers must spend more time in teaching and mentoring their wards.
Your Pastor,
Dr. W. F. Kumuyi
Education Secretary's Welcome Message
You are welcome to Deeper Life High School.
Deeper Life High School (DLHS) is the brain child of Pastor (Dr) W.F. Kumuyi, the General Superintendent of Deeper Christian Life Ministry.
We are a mission, co-educational boarding school with twenty-two campuses spread across twenty-one states of Nigeria.
DLHS commenced operation in the year 2010 with seven campuses and today, we have grown to twenty-two campuses and still counting.
DLHS is committed to all-round qualitative education with emphasis on academic and moral excellence.
Our school operates a uniform curricular and co-curricular programme which focuses on the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of the learners.
Our curriculum is integrated with a rich blend of both national and international content. The uniqueness of the school stems from leveraging technology for teaching and learning, Leadership and Entrepreneurial studies which form part of the core coursework for all students.
After a decade of our corporate existence, we are proud of our learners and alumni who are and will continue to be, by the grace of God, academically well grounded, morally upright and adequately equipped as future leaders.
We are confident that through our high quality and sound education, our students will become instruments for the transformation of our nation.
Do take your time to explore our website.
We look forward to having your wards join our dynamic, prestigious school for all round qualitative education.
Thank you.

Education Secretary