THE TRIANGLE is a platform that brings three categories of people (as three sides of a triangle) in DLHS together to deliberate and undergo training on specific areas of interest.
THE TRIANGLE is a platform that brings three categories of people (as three sides of a triangle) in DLHS together to deliberate and undergo training on specific areas of interest.
They include the Students, the Parents and the School (Educators and other staff).
It’s an online holiday programme that has dealt with topics like:
- Our collective responsibilities toward raising the total child in a digital age (family, society and school)
- Staying sane in a perverse world.
- Prioritising your mental health in times like these.
Experienced personalities that are influencers are invited as speakers.
The Parents are also represented by at least one PTA chairman of a campus in the programme to speak to the audience.
Recently, we started involving our alumni that are already established to share their experiences on the topic at hand.
This programme has really motivated participants so much that the testimonies that follow are astonishing.
In short, it’s been an eye opener to many parents, students and staff of DLHS.